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Support a Project

Since its foundation, the role of supporters has been one of the main forces that contribute to achieving our mission.

Support Medias Project

Project Management of  mediaallows the organization to keep its digital data accessible and up-to-date.

Maintaining transparency in the application of resources and for capacity building.

Project Objective: Keeping the Website, social networks and internal communication and dissemination ongoing and updated.

Project team: 1 Media and Social Media Manager

Total value: BRL 22,517.88

Amount collected: R$0.00

Deadline for collection: May/2022

To support this project you can donate


Our PIX Key

CNPJ 04.492.408/0001-89


Support Retaining Wall Project

The Guainumbi Beneficent Association maintains partnerships with the Municipal Department of Education and the Municipal Department of Assistance and Social Development, since then we have detected difficulties in obtaining authorization from these departments to buy construction in general. Today, the institution is showing the need to build a protective wall around the land, which had already been wired shut, but they were removed by vandals and invaded by drug users.  This land is under the care of a former employee until the construction of the inclusive residence. We tried to close with bamboo, but they were removed again. This land is, today, open and at risk of invasion.  

Project Objective: To build a wall around the land that will be built, in the future, a residence for the intellectually and multiple people with disabilities and to contribute to the improvement of the service provided to employees, users, family members, the community and to promote better working conditions for employees.


Beneficiaries:  Adolescents, young people and adults with intellectual disabilities served by the institution, as well as employees, family and community.  


Request:  We ask for a donation of construction materials and/or finance.

Total amount: BRL 250,000.00

Amount collected: BRL 0.00

Deadline for collection: Undetermined

To support this project you can donate


Our PIX Key

CNPJ 04.492.408/0001-89




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