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donate now

Understand how you can help transform and improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

By contributing to Guainumbi and supporting our actions and programs, you help us  to promote the improvement of the service we develop with the 100 families served and with actions with the community, giving them opportunities to be increasingly independent and positively included in society.

Make the difference

Pix R$10.00

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PIX BRL 100.00

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Pix R$25.00

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PIX Other Values

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PIX BRL 50.00

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Data  Banking


Guainumbi Beneficent Association

CNPJ 04.492.408/0001-89

001 - Bank of Brazil

Branch 4215-3 Savings Account 12497-4

international donations

Freunde von Guainumbi

GLS Bank | IBAN: DE47430609670013042010 | BIC: GENODEM1GLS

Make the difference

Register your São Paulo invoice for donation  automatic.

Make your party a moment of celebration and help.

Guainumbi Beneficent Association - CNPJ 04.492.408/0001-89

Rua Emanuel List, 96 - Chácara Florida - Jardim Aracati - São Paulo - Brazil


©2020 by ArtDrovichi

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